Curriculum Maps
Each term's Curriculum Map can be viewed/downloaded below.
Please note that the Challenge Curriculum is currently under construction. The Curriculum Map for Terms 3 and 4 has been planned and is currently being delivered as part of our phased introduction of our new curriculum. The curriculum for all other terms is still under construction and will be uploaded in due course.
Naunton Park Primary School delivers a curriculum based on expectations of the National Curriculum. In addition to the coverage detailed in the below Curriculum Maps, the following subjects are taught regularly and discretely inline with National Curriculum expectations:
- Phonics, through Sounds Write
- Reading, through Just Reading and Talk for Reading
- Writing, through Talk for Writing
- Maths, through Can Do Maths
- RE, through the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus
- Computing, through Purple Mash
- Music, through Charanga
- PSHE, through Jigsaw
- PE, through Real PE and Real Gym
- Forest School
In addition to the above, Geography, History, Art and Science are taught through a Leading Question, which relates to and is answered by non-fiction writing and is linked to the whole class teaching of reading.