School Council
Our School Councillors are elected every September by their peers - each class holds an election following presentations by each child interested in the role. We ensure that this process is fair for all involved. Reception children, who are new to the school, are elected by their class teachers later in the term.
Through the election process, children are taught about voting, why we vote and the importance of having fair, consistent elections.
Our School Council is a great example of democracy in action. As a group, they aim to make the school an even better place to be by working with school leaders, teachers, parents and peers. They are children who can give others more of a voice about whole-school matters and bring others' opinions and views to the attention of staff.
Some examples of School Council projects include:
- the design of the KS2 library;
- replacing plastic milk bottles with glass ones;
- hosting stalls at the Summer and Christmas fairs;
- assisting in the creation of the Forest School area;
- helping to design nurture spaces around school;
- actively promoting British Values through sessions with their classes;
- conducting teacher and Headteacher interviews alongside school governors;
- organising a school Pop Up Market Day to raise funds for the school;
- generating ideas to improve playtimes.
School Councillors are here to represent the children and give all pupils a voice in a more formalised way. Each class holds School Council meetings to raise issues or ideas, which are then shared with school leaders.
They do a fantastic job!
2023-2024 School Councillors
This year, our School Councillors are:
Elsie and Lubabah
Maya and Phoebe
Samuel and Branwen
Tabitha and Oliver
Maja, Jack and Lucas
Zach and Sadie